
what he said

I don't have time to write a blog today because I'm busy staring at the beach from my balcony.  My friend, Denis calls that 'gaining wisdom'. I like Denis.


Jeri Bidinger said...

We have long enjoyed Denis' and Margie's work--surprised that you know him, too.

Becky Stephen said...

Denis was my first mentor. (Well, after my mom!) He saved my spiritual skin when I was in college. You can read a little bit about his influence in my life in my 8/23/09 post: http://mylightspot.blogspot.com/2009_08_01_archive.html

Anonymous said...

In "The Contemplative Pastor" Eugene Peterson writes about the need to take time to be contemplative - to have times of solitude and stillness. So you are in good company.
Betty Sue